Rachel Chan


Identify the trends in the social network noise

The Problem The Social Network Noise


Developers and Designers are not able to quickly see the trending conversations and discussions in FED community from various social networks. Developers and Designers not being able to know the latest trends because of all the social media noise.

Our Personas Developers and Designers


The Solution Fuzzy Search Algorithm


For each message we iterate through and hash each word into a bucket by their first character. Then, we alphabetically compare our pre-defined topic names with their matching bucket. This reduces the time to process each message by not comparing every word to every trend. We did some initial runs of this algorithm to track average message length to find a threshold of character count. We discovered that we could ignore processing messages below 25 characters and lose few significant messages. In the future we could enhance this with Alchemy if they drop their ridiculous API rate limit

Our Brand IBM Trendnest


Our Brand symbolizes the our application mission. The name of the application Trend Nest, is the applications ability to identify the trends in the social network noise. The logo represents the information gathering as displayed by the semi circle underneath and then displayed in a readable manner so that users can see the trends.

IBM TrendnestThe front page and detail UI
